Office Volunteers

Contributed by: Izabelle Woods & some of our Office Volunteers

There are countless hours of administrative work that goes into Good Shepherd. Some of our parish members come in every week to help make sure that Pastor Linda & I are able to complete everything we need to. We call them our office volunteers, but we really should call them our magic workers because the work they contribute every week helps keep our parish continue to be the thriving parish it is now.

Currently we have four volunteers who each come in once a month. Linda Kodet, Alice Knapp, Anne Albano, and Miryam Mejia. If you see these women around the parish, be sure to thank them for the work they do.

We would like to add one or two volunteers who are willing to come in weekly or bi-weekly for a few hours who will manage a few extra office tasks. Please reach out to me in the office to sign up by emailing, or calling 831-484-2153 x1.

I asked Alice & Linda about their experiences working in the office, and below are their answers. Linda Kodet
What do you like about working in the office?

I feel like in a small, quiet way, I am contributing to the successful running of our vibrant, busy parish.

I have enjoyed working with each administrator as they’ve come along. Each has brought their own special gifts and grace. Izabelle is full of enthusiasm and has the ability to both teach and encourage us volunteers.

Why did you decide to volunteer?
I wanted to contribute in a meaningful way. I knew that the administrator has their hands full. It seemed like an area where I could lift a small part of the burden off the administrator.


Have you learned anything new while in the office?
I am constantly amazed at all our parishioners do to make this church the wonderful community it is.

How is the work we do in the office related to the mission of Good Shepherd?
I was surprised at how much ministry there was in the job of Office Administrator. Yes, there are a million details to getting everything running like a well-oiled machine. But, when somebody walks through the door, no matter what they need, the Administrator is the first person they see. 

It is our mission personified…to know Christ and to make Christ known.  Our office is an absolutely vital place of connection.
Alice Knapp
Helping the Rector manage the life of the parish is a full-time job, and it’s done on a less than full-time schedule. 

Enter our office volunteers! We jump into help Izabelle every week. Working with Izabelle is always a pleasure because we learn from each other. Helping her get to know the inner workings of the parish is also a good “refresher” for me.  There are so many moving parts to keeping the parish running smoothly and I appreciate the pace that is kept in order to do that. I volunteer because there are a number of tasks that I can easily do and take off of her plate.

The mission of Good Shepherd, To Know Christ and Make Christ Known, is so easily fulfilled by all the tasks the office volunteers perform for our church family and our community. Our hands touch many of the elements of the church’s ministry---our worship bulletins, flyers and cards to our community informing of our ministries, keeping Pastor Linda aware of pastoral needs of our parish, “buttoning up” the church for Sunday worship, and keeping our Sunday servants informed. These are just a few of the many responsibilities of parish administration.

If you are thinking of ways that you might serve at Good Shepherd, I encourage you to consider volunteering in the church office.