Good & Bad News Shared

Today brings good news and challenging news. 

The challenging news first: Our Music Director, Eric Rowe, is on tour with his two-person band: Lillie Lemon. While he and Lillie were parked outside Seattle and going on a walk with their little dog, Fella, their van was vandalized and their music and personal equipment taken. 

The good news is that they are part of a supportive community, including Good Shepherd. Their GoFundMe site has already raised almost half the money required to replace the items that were not covered by insurance (fortunately, most everything was insured.) Their goal is $8,000. You can help - every dollar helps! To donate, click here

Other good news is that Ed Pio is organizing "Getting to Know You" dinners to mix it up with people that don't sit in the same pew as you. Hosts are ready for two dinners: October 13 and November 10. Sign up for one or both dates - and mix it up with your church peeps! To secure your place, email:, or 

God's peace,
Pastor Linda+