College & Faith

Contributed by:
Sarah McClean

Everyone says that when you start college, everyone’s in the same boat. I didn’t feel that way. It felt like I was in my own huge pirate ship that had too many sails and ropes for just me to handle alone. My hometown was two states away, I was living in a huge city, and there wasn’t a soul I knew on campus with me. But after my first day, I realized that everyone else was in their own pirate ship overwhelmed with the sails and ropes too. I soon fell into a rhythm, made close friends, and got acclimated to my new home.

College is hard, and nursing is harder. Even though I’m only taking pre-requisite classes like Anatomy and Physiology and Psychology, the emphasis that materials in these classes will be useful and essential to our nursing career puts pressure on top of the piles of flashcards, charts, and textbooks that are also associated with these classes. However, the pros so outweigh the cons. Seattle is one of the coolest cities on Earth, and somewhere you can always find new and fun thing to do on the weekends. I personally love heading downtown to Pike Place, driving East to Lake Washington to hang out in Leschi, or heading to Ballard for their weekly Farmers Market.

  My nursing cohort and roommates, as well as my colleagues and professors, compile my amazing, generous, and loving friend groups and support systems. There always there for me at my best or my most stressed.Speaking of stress, stress management in college is tough, but made possible with strong support and faith. When coming to school, I was worried that I wasn’t going to have time for church or faith. I had to really analyze what my faith is because of this. I eventually realized that “faith” is a multifaceted term that can pertain to a number of actions and beliefs. Instead of focusing faith in a traditional religious aspect, I modified it to fit my lifestyle. I chose to express my faith through daily self-reflection and care. I take time out of the day to make sure I am paying attention to the world and God’s work. Admiring the changing leaves in fall, having a conversation with a nurse walking home from her night shift, or watching dogs play at the dog park on campus are all small but significant representations of God in everyday life. Although it’s hard with my busy schedule, taking the time during the day for self-care and reflection really makes a huge difference in my mood and personality, as well as my faith in my faith.