Rhyming Our Rhetoric

From the Rector

A Faith that Works: The Book of James

In September, we follow the Letter of James – the book that almost didn’t make it into the New Testament canon. Why? Because James’ letter to the church is more about action than faith.

Of course, we need both. One without the other doesn’t make sense. Paul’s letter to the Romans emphasizes Faith. And James, the brother of Jesus, emphasizes Action.

Love is a verb, after all. Our faith rhetoric needs some action rhythm!

The banner in front of our church says what we are about: Willing Hands. Loving Hearts. Good Shepherd Episcopal: Making Christ

Known.. You can help at any age! Whether you are just scraping by, or have an abundance of resources, there is always something to be shared with others –whether that is your prayers, your smile, your food, your time, your money.

Jesus ensures that we have what we need so that we can share something with others and work together towards equity. He provides the beat for “kingdom come” snappy rhythm and grace-Silled rhetoric.

This September, I will be preaching a series on A Faith that Works: Living our Faith into Action. Just do it!

God’s peace, Pastor Linda+