Re-centering on the Good

Dear Friend, 

Isn't it good to know you have a healthy place and people to gather with at Good Shepherd. We focus on the good we can do in our families, in our businesses, in our community and bend our energies towards the positive difference we can make with the resources of time and energy and finances we have. It's a blessing to gather with good people in a healthy environment! 

When sports, or vacations, or business gets in the way of being with your church peeps on Sunday morning, we have a new resource available called "Worship on the Go!" This is a collaborative effort between Rachel Brune, our new Minister for Children, Youth, and Families, Izabelle Woods, our new Administrator, and me - with Rachel doing most of the writing. Please give us feedback! You can find Rachel at

Come meet Rachel this Sunday, July 15, after church to share in planning for ministry with children, youth and families! Meet in the parish hall library, at about 11 a.m. Children and youth wanted and welcome. Childcare also available.

Many blessings,
Pastor Linda+