A Potent Holy Week

The combination of wildflowers, green hills and Holy Week is potent. Add In the news of Notre Dame burning and Ave Maria's sung in the streets of Paris, and the recent burning of three historically black churches in Louisiana. We are in Holy Week, a powerful week of remembrance that we are all kin, woven together in a web of suffering as well as saved and redeemed and made whole in the divine threads of compassion and resurrection.

Wherever you are this Holy Week and Easter, I pray that you will know yourself loved and blessed to be a light in this world. This world that God loves so much that He sends His Son to be with us, to suffer and die as one of us and, in the power of the new creation, to rise again.  If you are not traveling, I do hope you can walk through Holy Week with us at Good Shepherd. 

God's peace,
Pastor Linda