Discernment & Transition


Dear friends,
One of my favorite scripture passages is from Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, verse 20: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”  God is doing amazingly good works through you, often without your knowing - and has more good in mind for you and for our church.

It’s good to remember this because there are so much discernment and transitions happening in your church! Don’t worry if you haven’t kept abreast of it all. Much of the work for these transitions have been carried about by teams appointed to do the heavy lifting.

Here are some of the changes happening:

We are in the process of electing a new Bishop.  More about that on page 7.

We are hiring a new Director for our Preschool. We will celebrate Sandy’s ministry on Sunday, June 2nd. More about the Director search on page 9.

Preschool Chaplain, Angela Urciuoli, is also retiring from this position. We will be looking at that transition.

More? Cassandra Cooper has kept the preschool books for almost 17 years. She is retiring from this
position, and we will be hiring a new bookkeeper.

We are hiring a new Church Youth Director to follow Rachel Brune’s ministry. Rachel and her family will still be with us for a while, but we want to make this transition smooth before their leaving for the next military post.

And Shannon Brandt, our Church treasurer, will be resigning her post at the end of this year. We are in need of a volunteer to take this on, preferably soon, so they can benefit from her training.

Your prayers and offerings are deeply appreciated - they are what fuels the work of the Holy Spirit among us on behalf of positive transformation in the community.

God’s peace,

Pastor Linda+