Holy Spirit is always with us!

During the months of June, July, and August our youth will be coming together during church in one group. We'll be focusing on our growth with the Lord through outdoor activities, art and play! We will take a break from the Crucifer and Acolyte schedule to enjoy a more free flowing routine.  

Pre-K Children and Families: Our experienced nursery leader, Ms. Ruth, will be waiting for our youngest parishioners in the nursery, where they will find an engaging environment for music and play! Of course, our littlest ones are always welcome in the service as well. Please don't forget to sign in and out!

Youth: Kinder and Up: With lots of trips planned, adventures scheduled, and bags packed let's still make time to hold fellowship at Good Shepherd. This week we'll be honoring the Holy Trinity remembering that wherever we go The Spirit is with us. Come make a postcard and a prayer band during church!

june 16 CYF Activities.png