Asking for Forgiveness

Contributed by: Rachel Brune

When was the last time we had to ask for forgiveness? Was it easy to do? Probably not! It's hard to face it when we do something that hurts someone. Jesus knows that even when we repent, it can be difficult to take the next step and return to face the person we hurt with our actions.

Pre-K Children and Families: Our experienced nursery leader, Ms. Ruth, will be waiting for our youngest parishioners in the nursery, where they will find an engaging environment for music and play! Of course, our littlest ones are always welcome in the service as well. Please make sure to sign your child(ren) in and out. 

Children's Chapel (K-4th Grade): Have you ever done something that you knew was going to get you in trouble? How about leaving home to spend half your parents' money and end up working for a pig farmer? That's exactly what the Prodigal Son did! Was he able to return home? Did his parents forgive him? We'll be finding out just that at our Chapel lesson. Thank you to Michelle Johnson, who will lead our Children's Chapel this week.

Youth Group (5th-9th Grade): During the season of Lent, we will continue to explore questions of Faith and the Bible as Jesus continues his journey to Jerusalem. This week, we will explore the concept of asking for forgiveness, and celebrate that Jesus' sacrifice has given us this time to think about how to get back on the right track. Thank you to Jenn Kato, who will lead our Youth Group while I attend military training next week! 

Don't forget! On Palm Sunday, April 14th, we will be dyeing Easter eggs with natural dyes in the Parish Hall. Please bring watertight containers to take your eggs home, as the dyes must set overnight!