What Are We Doing This Sunday: Protecting Earth

This week we continue our focus on protecting and renewing the Earth and all who call it home!

Pre-K Children and Families: Our experienced nursery leader, Ms. Ruth, will be waiting for our youngest parishioners in the nursery, where they will find an engaging environment for music and play! Of course, our littlest ones are always welcome in the service as well. Please don't forget to sign in and out!

Children's Chapel (K-4th Grade): Jesus asks us to love one another but how do we do this every day? How do we go the extra mile? We'll learn this Sundaywith the story of Rufus.

Youth Group (5th-9th Grade): The Episcopal Creation Care Pledge is here again! But this week we'll be focusing on "Life Giving". How to live with intention for Jesus and the Earth. A big task but we are up for the challenge with a focus on living more simply, humbly, and gently on Earth.

COGS Office