Generosity Saves the Tour and Inspires Gratitude

Contributed by: Rev. Linda

Music Director Eric Rowe and his partner, Lili Lemon have just returned from a music tour that took them across the country and back. While on tour, they had many experiences with generosity, but one that directly involved Good Shepherd. Here’s the condensed version:

“After a couple shows in Seattle, we went hiking in the countryside out of the city. We packed a lunch and were gone for about an hour. When we got back, the window on the van was broken, glass was everywhere, and the door was wide open. It was a mess everywhere. We took stock and saw that our laptop bags were gone and the briefcase that had all my camera gear. We have insurance for all our musical gear – but that’s not what they took. They took the laptops, ipad, phone and wallet, cameras – most of which was not insured.

When something like this happens, I just swallow the emotion and figure out what needs to be done. Call the police – on Lili’s phone because mine was now gone. Cancel the credit cards. Sweep up the glass. Before too long, we were notified that the card was tried at a Target not too far away. Then the ipad’s location got pinged. I was driving like mad trying to catch up to the criminals, but it was rush hour traffic. Lili quietly started the GoFundMe campaign.

That was the most incredible part. GoFundMe raised over $8,000 over 2 – 3 days. It was really incredible. It made all the difference – because we were able to quickly fix the window, purchase a new laptop and phone and be back on for a show that was scheduled for the following day.

It was traumatic – but the amazing part was how people came together and supported us, including so many at Good Shepherd. Experiencing extended community coming together to help and support us – that’s incredible. Generosity really does transform and impact your life. But the whole GoFundMe thing – that’s Lili’s doing. I was too busy chasing after the criminals and getting lumber from Home Depot to patch the window so we’d be safe and not too cold!”