Healing Community

As we meet, we are thankful for the community that gathers each week at Good Shepherd – all of you.  Knowing that whatever challenges come our way, even those that might cause us to question our faith, our community holds us in prayer and keeps the faith for us when we cannot.  Again and again we are called to lift each other up, and so it is done, and we are nurtured by relationship, community.

Here are four reasons the Bible says community is so great (excerpt from “4 Reasons the Bible Calls Us Into Community” @ stewardship.com)

1. Community is encouraging.

Being in community gives you the chance to be around people at different stages of their faith journey—and to bear their burdens alongside of them (Galatians 6:2)… What it comes down to is lifting each other up, learning from one another, and being the friend each of us needs.

 2. Community is fun.

Community should never feel boring or forced. In fact, it should be the exact opposite. Psalm 133:1 (NIV) tells us, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” … Yes, community has a higher purpose. But it should also be enjoyable!

 3. Community attracts the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says the Holy Spirit is present whenever believers gather together (Matthew 18:20). A great example of this was the early church of Acts, which made a habit of meeting together, eating together, and worshiping together. As a result, “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:46–47 NIV)

 4. Community fosters love.

We’ve probably all been to a wedding where the officiant recited the familiar words of 1 Corinthians 13, which ends with, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”  

We can experience hope and redemption “when we are willing to listen and love with open hands, willing ears, and soft hearts.”  (from Forward Day By Day)
Prayer team members are available during communion in the prayer corner, on healing prayer Sundays immediately following the service to pray with you, offer support, listen, or just be present, according to your preference.