Lenten Devotionals from Habitat for Humanity

To the People of Good Shepherd Parish,

This Lenten booklet comes to us through parishioner Jim Copeland, former Board member for Habitat for Humanity International. I commend it to you for your use this Lent. You will note that the reflections and actions often reference Habitat for Humanity. Please feel free, with their permission, to substitute other organizations with which you are involved, including the church, your work, your family, nonprofits, etc. Thank you Jim, and all of our Habitat friends.

God’s peace,

Pastor Linda+

Dear friends,

Beginning on March 6, we will once again begin observing the season of Lent. Sometimes repetition and familiarity can dull our sense of expectation, but may we instead commit to deeply connecting with Jesus. May we focus on ways to fill our hearts as we journey toward the cross.

Traditionally, Lent is observed from Ash Wednesday through the Saturday of Holy Week. The entire season consists of 40 days plus six Sundays — often called “little Easters” — and serves as a reminder of the hope we have in the resurrection of Christ.

As has been our tradition for several years now, our God at the Center team has developed thoughtful meditations to help you experience the fullness of the Lenten season. Most of the seven devotions — one for each week of Lent — were written by former members of the board of directors of Habitat for Humanity International, and we are grateful for their ongoing support.

Discussion questions are included with each devotion to facilitate personal reflection and for use in a group setting. You will also find suggestions for positive things you can do over the coming days to demonstrate the extraordinary love of Jesus.

May God open your eyes to new understandings and call you to explore the challenges and blessings of Lent.

Enjoy the devotions and have a wonderful Easter.


Jonathan T.M. Reckford

Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity

270 Peachtree St. NW, Suite 1300, Atlanta, GA 30303-1263