Advice From A Veteran Teacher

Good Shepherd owns a terrific preschool. It’s one of our largest ministries to the community. And we have loyal and faithful teachers. Miss Mika is beginning her 18th year as a Good Shepherd Preschool teacher. When I asked her for words of advice, she said, "Be kind. Listen more than you speak."

We had a beautiful conversation about receiving feedback and Sinding out that it is really a form of love. That without kind but honest feedback, we cannot learn and grow. We also talked about how good can come from adversity. Her husband, George, is being treated for lung cancer - and Miss Mika says that she never

understood how good could come from tragedy, but now she does. She and George are closer than they have ever been - and they understand in a very profound way how precious time is.

St. Paul tells us to "redeem the time" by doing good. Miss Mika does - and warmth and love radiate from her. What a wonderful resource she is for our young children and parents.

We have just welcomed two new teaching assistants. One new assistant is Miss Alexa who is a student in early childhood education at Monterey Peninsula College. She is "looking forward to getting to know the kids and working for the Sirst time at a preschool." We are glad you are here Miss Alexa and Miss Suzy, our other new teaching assistant.

And Miss Sandy, our Director, is the heart and brains behind the whole operation. We love you, Miss Sandy!

Pastor Linda+