Body of Christ as Redemptive

I hope you find being a member of the Body of Christ redemptive and renewing!  Church happens day in and day out as we go to work, care for our families, and offer our resources to help others. Here's just a taste of what our Body is doing this week. 

Carol Lowrey and Peg McIntosh are leading a Children's Arts Camp for Seaside kids at our sister church, San Pablo de Apostol in Seaside. 

Tutors  meet weekly with students to help with reading and math. I'm one of those tutors - and it is stretching me to remember parts of sentences! Tutors are active at San Pablo de Apostol, at the Salinas Warming Shelter, and at the Salinas Women's Shelter. 

Furniture was delivered to formerly homeless families at Pueblo Del Mar. 

Tomato sauce has been cooked and fresh basil harvested in preparation for our first Dinner church on Thursday. Homemade pizzas are on the menu! Remember to bring toppings to share! 

Art Show crews are preparing for our 11th Annual Pastures in Heaven Art Show coming up soon on September 7th. 

Communion visits have cheered several members who cannot come to church. 

A graveside service for Judy Brant this Friday, July 27th, is being planned for 2:00 pm at the Veteran's Fort Ord Cemetery

And this is just a small taste. The Body is active in many places, in many offices and work places, seasoning life with grace and renewal, laughter and comfort. 

The Rev. Vincent Raj will preside and preach this Sunday, July 29th, as we gather for worship. The Rev. Cynthia Montague will preach on Sunday, August 5th with The Rev. Raj presiding. I will be camping with my daughters and 2 1/2 year old grandson. 

May you know the blessing of serving Christ! 
Pastor Linda