Bread of Life

Are we better marketers than witnesses? The North American church may well have bought into a culture that rewards consumers and addresses their surface needs – rather than proclaiming a gospel that offers faith in the only begotten Son, who gave his life for the sins of the world – and who is lifted up so that all who believe in him have everlasting life. He is the bread of life. Those who come to him will never be hungry, and those who put their trust in him will never thirst.

This is a harder gospel than the more popular prosperity gospel. Believing may or may not bring you material prosperity or even happiness- but it will give you new and transformed life along the way.

As we head into Fall, it’s good to reflect on the basics of our life together – which is to be gathered by the Good Shepherd who feeds his people at his table with the Bread of Life.

I will be away this Sunday and Deacon Cynthia will preach. Fr. Vincent Raj will preside for the Eucharist.

God’s peace,
Pastor Linda

P.S. We are an active Outreach Church, serving others in Jesus' name. Upcoming dates for action are August 11th, serving at the warming shelter and August 19th, when we will be collecting blankets for the warming shelter and tutors will gather to hear from a reading specialist.